May 9, 2012

Biofuel Players in Hawaii

Overview blog:

David Tarnas, director of government affairs at Merica International, Waimea, and director of Malama Kai Foundation     Robert Rapier, Chief Technology Officer for Merica International, a bioenergy holding company, and blogs rsquared.

Merica acquires majority stake in Choren, by acquiring Shell's stake in the company, Nov 2009.
2012 Dresden company buys bankrupt Choren's last remaining business.  Sounds like Merica made a bad deal and Shell made a good one in 2009 since Choren went bankrupt several years later and was sold off to a European company with plans of its own in Europe.  No website for Merica located.

Hawai‘i BioEnergy "(HBE) is a LLC established by three of Hawai‘i's largest landowners: Kamehameha Schools, Grove Farm Company Inc., and Maui Land & Pineapple Company, Inc.
Other partners include leaders from the venture capital community - Vinod Khosla, Ohana Holdings and Finistere Ventures."   A 2011 news release from HBE, above, says that Grove Farm Lands in Kauai (see map) will be used to process 10 million gallons of biofuels, processed onsite, and used to fuel Oahu's Kahe power plant.  This is a proposal for PUC decision and not a done deal.

May 2, 2012

Tim Formaz, Project Manager

Hu Honua Bioenergy has hired Tim Formaz, as its project manager for the mothballed power plant located in Pepeekeo.

May 1, 2012

No Coastal Trees for Hu Honua...

The largest landowner on the Hamakua Coast, Kamehameha Schools, has thousands of acres of eucalyptus trees which Hu Honua had long targeted as its supply of biomass to fuel the mothballed power plant at Pepeekeo Point.  However, Kamehameha Schools and other large Hawaiian landowners have formed Hawaii Bioenergy LLC to capitalize on our state's need for ethanol - their plan is to manufacture ethanol using local timber resources.  So, where will Hu Honua locate a source of wood to supply its biomass power plant?

Upcoming Meetings

  • HuHonua, 8/13/08
  • Jay Ignacio, Helco 8/14/08
  • Tues 8/5/08 7pm Susan's
  • Mayor Kim Thurs 7/31/2008 1:30 pm
  • Wed 7/16/08 7pm Susan's

About Me

Local environmental activist.