§343-5 Applicability and requirements. (a) Except as otherwise provided, an environmental assessment shall be required for actions that:
(1) Propose the use of state or county lands or the use of state or county funds, other than funds to be used for feasibility or planning studies for possible future programs or projects that the agency has not approved, adopted, or funded, or funds to be used for the acquisition of unimproved real property; provided that the agency shall consider environmental factors and available alternatives in its feasibility or planning studies; provided further that an environmental assessment for proposed uses under section [205-2(d)(10)] or [205-4.5(a)(13)] shall only be required pursuant to section 205-5(b);
(2) Propose any use within any land classified as a conservation district by the state land use commission under chapter 205;
(3) Propose any use within a shoreline area as defined in section 205A-41;
(4) Propose any use within any historic site as designated in the National Register or Hawaii Register, as provided for in the Historic Preservation Act of 1966, Public Law 89-665, or chapter 6E;
(5) Propose any use within the Waikiki area of Oahu, the boundaries of which are delineated in the land use ordinance as amended, establishing the "Waikiki Special District";
(6) Propose any amendments to existing county general plans where the amendment would result in designations other than agriculture, conservation, or preservation, except actions proposing any new county general plan or amendments to any existing county general plan initiated by a county;
(7) Propose any reclassification of any land classified as a conservation district by the state land use commission under chapter 205;
(8) Propose the construction of new or the expansion or modification of existing helicopter facilities within the State, that by way of their activities, may affect:
(A) Any land classified as a conservation district by the state land use commission under chapter 205;
(B) A shoreline area as defined in section 205A-41; or
(C) Any historic site as designated in the National Register or Hawaii Register, as provided for in the Historic Preservation Act of 1966, Public Law 89-665, or chapter 6E; or until the statewide historic places inventory is completed, any historic site that is found by a field reconnaissance of the area affected by the helicopter facility and is under consideration for placement on the National Register or the Hawaii Register of Historic Places; and
(9) Propose any:
(A) Wastewater treatment unit, except an individual wastewater system or a wastewater treatment unit serving fewer than fifty single-family dwellings or the equivalent;
(B) Waste-to-energy facility;
(C) Landfill;
(D) Oil refinery; or
(E) Power-generating facility.
(b) Whenever an agency proposes an action in subsection (a), other than feasibility or planning studies for possible future programs or projects that the agency has not approved, adopted, or funded, or other than the use of state or county funds for the acquisition of unimproved real property that is not a specific type of action declared exempt under section 343-6, the agency shall prepare an environmental assessment for such action at the earliest practicable time to determine whether an environmental impact statement shall be required.
(1) For environmental assessments for which a finding of no significant impact is anticipated:
(A) A draft environmental assessment shall be made available for public review and comment for a period of thirty days;
(B) The office shall inform the public of the availability of the draft environmental assessment for public review and comment pursuant to section 343-3;
(C) The agency shall respond in writing to comments received during the review and prepare a final environmental assessment to determine whether an environmental impact statement shall be required;
(D) A statement shall be required if the agency finds that the proposed action may have a significant effect on the environment; and
(E) The agency shall file notice of such determination with the office. When a conflict of interest may exist because the proposing agency and the agency making the determination are the same, the office may review the agency's determination, consult the agency, and advise the agency of potential conflicts, to comply with this section. The office shall publish the final determination for the public's information pursuant to section 343-3.
The draft and final statements, if required, shall be prepared by the agency and submitted to the office. The draft statement shall be made available for public review and comment through the office for a period of forty-five days. The office shall inform the public of the availability of the draft statement for public review and comment pursuant to section 343-3. The agency shall respond in writing to comments received during the review and prepare a final statement.
The office, when requested by the agency, may make a recommendation as to the acceptability of the final statement.
(2) The final authority to accept a final statement shall rest with:
(A) The governor, or the governor's authorized representative, whenever an action proposes the use of state lands or the use of state funds, or whenever a state agency proposes an action within the categories in subsection (a); or
(B) The mayor, or the mayor's authorized representative, of the respective county whenever an action proposes only the use of county lands or county funds.
Acceptance of a required final statement shall be a condition precedent to implementation of the proposed action. Upon acceptance or nonacceptance of the final statement, the governor or mayor, or the governor's or mayor's authorized representative, shall file notice of such determination with the office. The office, in turn, shall publish the determination of acceptance or nonacceptance pursuant to section 343-3.
(c) Whenever an applicant proposes an action specified by subsection (a) that requires approval of an agency and that is not a specific type of action declared exempt under section 343-6, the agency initially receiving and agreeing to process the request for approval shall prepare an environmental assessment of the proposed action at the earliest practicable time to determine whether an environmental impact statement shall be required; provided that, for an action that proposes the establishment of a renewable energy facility, a draft environmental impact statement shall be prepared at the earliest practicable time. The final approving agency for the request for approval is not required to be the accepting authority.
For environmental assessments for which a finding of no significant impact is anticipated:
(1) A draft environmental assessment shall be made available for public review and comment for a period of thirty days;
(2) The office shall inform the public of the availability of the draft environmental assessment for public review and comment pursuant to section 343-3; and
(3) The applicant shall respond in writing to comments received during the review, and the agency shall prepare a final environmental assessment to determine whether an environmental impact statement shall be required. A statement shall be required if the agency finds that the proposed action may have a significant effect on the environment. The agency shall file notice of the agency's determination with the office, which, in turn, shall publish the agency's determination for the public's information pursuant to section 343-3.
The draft and final statements, if required, shall be prepared by the applicant, who shall file these statements with the office.
The draft statement shall be made available for public review and comment through the office for a period of forty-five days. The office shall inform the public of the availability of the draft statement for public review and comment pursuant to section 343-3.
The applicant shall respond in writing to comments received during the review and prepare a final statement. The office, when requested by the applicant or agency, may make a recommendation as to the acceptability of the final statement.
The authority to accept a final statement shall rest with the agency initially receiving and agreeing to process the request for approval. The final decision-making body or approving agency for the request for approval is not required to be the accepting authority. The planning department for the county in which the proposed action will occur shall be a permissible accepting authority for the final statement.
We are concerned citizens who endorse sustainable energy goals, but not at the expense of the health of our children, not at the expense of our agricultural industries, and not at the expense of more pollution to our island. Pepeekeo residents reside within 1.7 miles from the plant, and this poses a significant health risk from pollutants, creates a nuisance from noise, and a safety issue from excessive traffic.
Upcoming Meetings
- HuHonua, 8/13/08
- Jay Ignacio, Helco 8/14/08
- Tues 8/5/08 7pm Susan's
- Mayor Kim Thurs 7/31/2008 1:30 pm
- Wed 7/16/08 7pm Susan's
About Me
- Elaine
- Local environmental activist.
Honoring HCPC Workers
- 1889-1946 Plantation Archives
- 2000 Baptista, Former HCPC Employee
- 2001 De Coito, Retired Heavy-Equip Operator
- 2001 Hasegawa, Ret Service Truck Driver HCPC
- 2001 Hiramoto, Ret Laborer HCPC
- 2001 Salas, Cane Truck Driver HCPC
- 2002 Barlongo, Ret Tractor Operator HCPC
- 2002 Cambra - Former Heavy Equip Operator
- 2002 Carvalho, Retired HCPC Truck Driver
- 2002 Fujii, Ret Garage Supervisor HCPC
- 2002 Fujitake, Ret Land Containment Emp HCPC
- 2002 Matsuoka, Ret Mechanic HCPC
- 2002 Panem - Former Crane Operator
- 2002 Sakuda, Ret Cane Truck Driver HCPC
- 2002 Santiago, Ret Cane Truck Driver HCPC
- 2002 Tsujii - Ret Boiler Room Crew Chief HCPC
- 2002 Tsunoda, Former Harvesting Supervisor
- 2003 Alicuben - Former Power Mower Operator
- 2003 Deriza, Ret Heavy Equip Operator HCPC
- 2003 Inaba, Ret Electrician HCPC
- 2003 Jose, Ret HCPC Employee
- 2003 Kawakami, Ret Flume Foreman HCPC
- 2003 Lyons, Ret Harvesting Supervisor HCPC
- 2003 Namauu, Former Heavy Equip Operator HCPC
- 2003 Paiva, Ret Construction Supervisor HCPC
- 2003 Tavares, Former HCPC Employee
- 2004 Adviento, Retired HCPC Employee
- 2004 Cabasa, Ret HCPC Crane Operator
- 2004 Carvalho, Ret HCPC Truck Control Coordinator
- 2004 DeMello, Ret Scale Clerk HCPC
- 2004 Raymond, Former HCPC Shift Superintendent
- 2005 Acoba, Retired Plant Electrician
- 2005 Collins, Former HCPC Cane Truck Driver
- 2005 Company Hopes to Restart Plant
- 2005 Kubo, Ret HCPC Garage Warehouse Supervisor
- 2005 Lapenia - HCPC Former Whse Clerk
- 2005 Murai, Ret. Factory Supervisor
- 2005 Sakuma - Ret. Millworker HCPC
- 2005 Shin - Former HCPC Truck Driver
- 2005 Vierra - Forrmer HCPC Cane Truck Driver
- 2006 Amaral - Retired Heavy Equipment Operator
- 2006 Koyanagi, Ret Mill Worker HCPC
- 2006 Navidad, Ret HCPC Mill Crew Chief Operator
- 2006 Oyama, Ret HCPC Employee
- 2006 Shimasaki, Ret HCPC Truck Driver
- 2006 Shishido, Ret HCPC Employee
- 2006 Sison, Ret HCPC Mechanic
- 2007 Camero Ret HCPC Mechanic Supervisor
- 2007 Maja, Ret HCPC Employee
- 2007 Okaji, Ret Cane Truck Driver HCPC
- 2007 Quiocho, Retired HCPC Employee
- 2008 Austria - Former Heavy Equipment Operator
- 2008 Forbes, Ret Harvesting Superintendent HCPC
- 2008 Hiura, Ret HCPC Employee
- 2008 Pacheco - Former HCPC Welder
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