Jul 30, 2008

Coastal Zone Management

I spoke with Doug Tom, program director for the state's Coastal Zone Management Program. He says he's introducing legislation that would tighten SMA rules, because many abuses have been caused because of the broad definition of "development". However, he says that the counties are opposed to the state's "interfering" in their activities. He says that the proposed legislation is aimed at stopping speculation, for instance, where something has not been used continuously and becomes a vehicle for speculators.

He recommends we look into the Ocean Resources Plan and determine any inconsistencies with it and the power plant situation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I looked into the matter that you raised about the proposal to burn wood chips for electric generation. Unfortunately, there is little this office can do. Let me explain.

The use policy for the area in which the plant is situated is industrial, and it has been for a long time. Therefore, the owners of the property have a right to pursue uses and actions consistent with the industrial policy. In our view, burning wood chips is an industrial application. The county will likely honor the use or face charges of taking.

Neither the CZM Program nor the SMA permit is a use policy determinant. Hence, the proposed use is legal. As a management tool, the SMA permit functions to assure that allowable uses and actions are designed and carried out in a manner consistent with the CZM objectives and policies and SMA guidelines.

It seems to me that you should request clarification from the county as to whether the proposed operation is within the framework of the initial SMA permit. If it is not, and a new permit is required, you can contest the proposal by submitting comments based on noncompliance with the CZM objectives and policies and SMA guidelines. The County Planning Department distributes a users guide for the SMA permit system. It is also available on our CZM website (http://www.hawaii.gov/dbedt/czm/).

I hope this little bit of information helps.


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