Jul 31, 2008

Use what we have

Published: Thursday, July 31, 2008 10:08 AM HST
After reading the article, "HELCO aims for renewable island energy" in the July 14 Tribune-Herald, I became more aware of the energy problem facing Big Island residents. Awareness is the first step in dealing with any problem. I am concerned about creating electrical energy by cutting and burning trees. This could jeopardize the air quality of the island. We have already experienced a drastic change in our air due to volcanic changes this past year.

There are cleaner resources producing energy for HELCO to purchase. It seems to me that HELCO's greatest resource is its customers. HELCO had the foresight to offer incentives to homeowners who use solar energy to produce hot water. Take it to the next step and offer customer incentives for solar electric installation, and buy back surplus energy. Pacific Gas & Electric in California does this and it is well supported by the people. HELCO could work toward a cleaner solution which would also benefit its customers -- a win/win solution.

The state of Hawaii has backed the use of solar energy with tax incentives. Let's use the clean resources we have -- sun, wind and water. They are here in abundance and they are clean.

Karen Kuester


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Local environmental activist.