Jul 18, 2008

Farmers' Concerns from 7/9/2008 Meeting

Increased Number of Ag Pests, like stinging nettle caterpillar, will relocate to areas that do not have them already due to the proposed trucking activity. This will mean higher costs to control the new pests and damage to crops.

Increased Plant Diseases, or disease vectors like aphids and grasshoppers, will be shipped in with the biomass and can spread serious plant diseases that can destroy crops.

Less Composted Green Waste,which farmers rely on for farming activities, will result because it will be sent to the power plant to burn for electricity.

This means higher costs for farmers, less farming income, higher food costs for residents, less food grown, more pesticides used in food crops.

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  • HuHonua, 8/13/08
  • Jay Ignacio, Helco 8/14/08
  • Tues 8/5/08 7pm Susan's
  • Mayor Kim Thurs 7/31/2008 1:30 pm
  • Wed 7/16/08 7pm Susan's

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Local environmental activist.